Redeem an Imprint Voucher
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without." -Confucius
We keep hearing it said that "Perfection is the Enemy of Done" - although it's a bit hard for the crew over here at Wms&Co. to fully walk that talk.
We wanted to get all the goodness of our new website in front of you - even though there are parts still in process. And so, for now, we will be manually processing voucher redemptions.
If you have a voucher card for a free imprint these are the simple steps we need you to take for us to process your order.
Send an email to with the following:
1. A simple snapshot of the voucher card, which tells us your code and the size of your stamp. Make sure all text is legible.
2. For text imprints: the text information you would like to have on your imprint, and the style number you would like to have the info typeset in. You can see our current styles here.
3. If you prefer to supply your own art then please include the file in the email. Note the art requirements here.
4. Include your shipping address in the email. We ship all imprints USPS regular mail. Imprints ship within 4-5 days of approval.
Please make sure to check your email for a design proof within 2-3 days, and approve or note any changes. We do not put imprints into production until we hear from you!
We sincerely thank you for your patience.