Miguel Milá: A Life in Design


Miguel Milá is considered one of Spain’s first and most influential industrial designers. Starting out as an interior designer amid the country’s early modernist movement, Milá began making the objects he needed but couldn’t yet find on the market. He took raw and renewable materials and crafted prototypes by hand, occasionally evolving designs to perfect his now-iconic lighting and furniture.

Miguel Milá: A Life in Design is a detailed look back through his most emblematic works, produced between 1956 and 2021, with archival photos and drawings, as well as original photos shot at Milá’s Barcelona home by Nacho Alegre. Introducing the book is seminal English designer Jasper Morrison, while the products are catalogued and described by design academic Francisco Gaspar Quevedo, who also contributed a biographical text on Miguel’s life, career, and the principles that sprang from both.

Published by Apartamento Publishing S.L.
Not on Amazon
9.5" x 11.7"
160 Pages

We are lifelong bibliophiles. Shelves filled with books line our studio walls and more are stacked on every surface. We admire their design, scrutinize their typography, fetishize their paper and analyze their binding. We read them for research, for inspiration, for the sheer pleasure of exploring new worlds of thought and experience.

We have curated a selection of books to offer our audience, based on our interests and yours. Most of our books are limited editions or out of print, they are seldom available in the US, and not available on Amazon. 

The fact that we have now launched our own imprint seems an inevitable extension. Wms&Co. books are created in collaboration with the interesting characters, visionaries and designers we encounter. Subject matter varies wildly but is always infused with the spirit of creativity and a respect for good design.

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