Pure Bouquet Vases


In a world of pixels and screens, these vessels offer a tactile poetry in pale ivory stoneware. Each vase emerges from the potter's wheel with an exposed clay exterior - a conscious choice that creates a sublime matte finish that plays with light in the most subtle ways. Inside and on the rim, a clear glaze adds an understated luminosity to each piece.

Each vessel bears the quiet signature of its makers - the l'Impatience mark drawn with delicate precision at its foot. Like all objects shaped by human hands, these vases carry subtle variations that speak to their artisanal heritage, each one a unique meditation in form and function.

Born in the Hudson Valley studio of Jerome and Benedicte Leclere, these Pure vases emerge from four hands working in harmony, each piece a testament to the enduring beauty of handcrafted simplicity.

Medium: 7" x 4", opening width 2.25"
Large: 9" x 4.5", opening width 2.75"
Extra Large: 11" x 5", opening width 3"

While dishwasher-safe, we recommend hand washing to preserve the vessel's subtle dialogue between matte and gloss.


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